Ogyu MFG has been distributed manu machines. Diamond wire saw, Polishing machine, Circular Blade saw etc.
in 16 coutries over the world.
And Ogyu MFG has been distributed diamond tools, diamond wire, diamond
wheel, diamond bit, diamond circularand Ogyu MFG in only one company, which
is manufacturing stone processing machines and diamond tools in theworld.
Diamond Wire |
Diamond wire is one of our main product.
Our diamond beads ( segment
) bonded with
tungsten curvide (WC) has
exremely hardness
and durability, which is
the most advantage
in quality. We manufacture
variety of wires
for stone type and cutting
purpose. We believe
our diamond wire is the
best in the world
especially for hard stone
such as a granite.
Diamond Wire Saw |

We started to manufacture the diamond wire
saw in 1987, which was
a pioneer in the world.
We have various diamond wire saw.
We can make the best machine
for customer's
any kind of purpose.
We introduse a lot of diamond wire saw with
picture in product introduction page. Please
open and enjoy it.
Verti 1500
Vertical Curve Wire Saw
Fully automatic optical tracing system ( resistered Japan & US Patent)
. This is a curb cutting device, which doesn't need any computer programing
. You need only a paper template. Operation is very easy. The movement
of optical sensor which trace a paper template and the machine are synchronized
to cut a curved shape as per a paper template. You can easily fabricate
any kind of shape stone. |
Other Product |
Vertical Coring Machine
Horizontal Coring
Circular Brade Saw
特にダイヤモンドワイヤーにおいては、弊社の製造するWC (タングステン カーバイド) の特性を生かし、高性能、高精度、低コストの石材切断を実現しています。 |
1995年には株式会社 大給 (OGYU MANUFACTURING
INC.) を海外向けブランドとして設立しました。 |
現在までダイヤモンドワイヤーソーの販売台数は900台を越え、海外への納入台数も16ヶ国、123台 (2007年11月現在)となり、国内のみならず、特に欧米を中心に販売実績を伸ばし続けています。
*製品案内のページに写真付で数多くの弊社機械、工具を紹介しています。ぜひご覧になって下さい。 |